Discover Our Ratings
🚀 Know Your Crypto
Our philosophy is simple — by knowing your money, you can make money. While digital assets remain a young and developing type of asset, their place in a money-making portfolio can bring you incredible profits.
⚠️ But it can be a dangerous, volatile, and high-risk space as well.
You may gamble and win big if you’re lucky. But we think, with some good data and a navigator, you can create your own luck. 🍀
What is A.R.I.A. Ratings?
ARIA Ratings is the central pillar of ARIA’s analytical ecosystem. It was designed and developed to simplify and support crypto investors.
With ARIA Ratings, investors no longer need to spend hours manually extracting data, analyzing it, and attempting to compare different projects (e.g. Gaming vs. Meme vs. DeFi). Our Ratings allow you to determine, at a glance, the level of risk a crypto carries, with the knowledge that this grade:
- Provides a holistic perspective of the crypto’s health— it is powered by over 35 metrics (rather than only market cap or volume)
- Uses data and metrics that are entirely factual, and not based on any form of speculation
- Remains transparent and reliable — the grade follows a methodology designed to equalize different projects’ risk assessment through an automated algorithm, thus removing the risk of human intervention, tampering with grades, introducing discretionary bias or conflicting interests (as has historically been witnessed in traditional finance — The Big Short vibes).
- Reflects accurate and up-to-date information through its automation, allowing daily updates to reflect the latest state of the market.
Blending in Web 3.0’s core value of decentralization, our mission is to deliver you a robust and trustworthy rating system that allows for logical and meaningful comparisons of cryptocurrency projects, while evaluating their legitimacy as a viable investment. Each evaluated crypto is thus given a lettered grade ranging from J (Junk) to AAA (Top Investment Grade).
For our Premium Users, each Rating is additionally accompanied by a granular decomposition of its risk into 5 principle categories along which the assessed metrics are split (See More: How does ARIA evaluate cryptocurrencies?)
💡 Note that the algorithmic methodology power A.R.I.A. Ratings is consistently evolving as we incorporate more valuable and detailed metrics and advanced evaluation methods to increase accuracy while capturing a global overview of risk. All metrics presently documented have passed extensive testing and are included in the live algorithm.
A.R.I.A. Ratings Grading Scale
Rating | Investment Risk Group |
AAA | Top Investment Grade |
AA | Investment Grade |
A | Investment with acceptable risk |
BBB | Moderately risky |
BB | Mixed Acceptable and Speculative Risk |
B | Opportunistic |
S | Speculative |
SS | Super Speculative |
J | Junk |
What cryptocurrencies does ARIA rate?
We at ARIA believe cryptocurrencies have a legitimate space to occupy in your investment portfolio. But in a space where anyone can easily launch a coin, and every day we see new projects emerge, it can be challenging to discern the gems from the scams.
Not every project deserves your attention, which is why we have defined a specific scope to select cryptocurrencies and add them to our rating algorithm.
A.R.I.A. includes in its scope any cryptocurrency or token that:
- Has been in circulation for at least a period of 3 months
- Has reached a market capitalization of 500 million USD at least once since A.R.I.A. launch. In the event a coin or token’s market cap falls below 500 million USD, its rating will continue to be tracked and updated by our algorithm.
- Is not a stablecoin
❓ We have purposefully excluded stablecoins from A.R.I.A.’s scope as an accurate and fair evaluation of a stablecoin would require privileged access to the issuing entity’s reserves backing the token.
In a world that can sometimes appear quite opaque, at A.R.I.A. we value transparency in our processes and evaluation, which is why all metrics incorporated into our Ratings Methodology and documented herein are publicly available and verifiable.
How frequently are ARIA Ratings updated?
ARIA’s Ratings are set to automatically update daily to bring you an accurate and up-to-date snapshot of the market’s risk.